Car accidents can sometimes lead to severe injuries, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI). In 2020, there were 1,304 serious injuries resulting from car accidents in CT. A TBI is a type of head injury that occurs when a sudden physical trauma causes damage to the brain. It can lead to long-term physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes.

If you have suffered a TBI in a car accident in CT, you know how overwhelming the experience can be. Fortunately, you can file a claim with the insurance company to recover compensation. A settlement from the insurer can help you cover the costs associated with your TBI. Keep reading to learn more about receiving a TBI accident settlement in CT.

Benefits of Settling Your TBI Accident Case

Most accident cases end up settling out of court. Settling your TBI accident case can provide several benefits. Here are some of them:

Time Savings

Going to court can be a long and drawn-out process. Settling your case outside of court can save you a great deal of time and energy. It also allows you to resolve your claim much faster and move on with your life.

Less Stress

Going to court can be a stressful experience. Also, the outcome of the trial may be uncertain. Settling your case can help to alleviate some of this stress. With a TBI accident settlement, you can avoid the court process and have a more certain outcome.

Financial Security

When you settle your case, you can receive financial compensation. The money can cover your medical expenses and other costs associated with your TBI, giving you peace of mind.


Settling your case can provide you with a sense of closure. This can help you to move forward with your life and begin to heal.

Factors That Determine TBI Accident Settlements 

You may wonder how much you’ll receive in your TBI accident settlement. There is no common answer to that, as cases are different. However, some factors affect the amount you can recover in a settlement. Here is a closer look at these factors.

Liability for the Accident

Connecticut uses the modified comparative fault law to determine the compensation you can receive. According to the legislation, you can recover damages even if you were partly at fault for a crash. However, you must not be more than 50 percent liable for the TBI accident.

Additionally, your compensation will get reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, say you are 20 percent at fault for the accident. You will only receive 80 percent of the total TBI accident settlement amount.

The Severity of the Injury

There are three different categories of TBIs. They include mild, moderate, and severe TBIs. A TBI’s severity can affect the compensation you may receive.

The more severe the TBI, the higher the settlement amount. That is because the more serious a TBI, the higher the medical and rehabilitation costs. Severe brain injuries can also significantly affect the quality of your life. For example, you may develop a disability that affects your ability to do day-to-day tasks.

The Statements You Make After the Accident

What you say after an accident can affect the amount you receive in a settlement. For example, you might apologize or take the blame after a TBI accident. The insurance company can use your statements against you later on. They can use them as a basis for devaluing your claim. It is best to avoid any admissions of fault, no matter how minor.

Damages You Can Obtain in a TBI Accident Settlement

A TBI accident settlement typically covers a variety of damages. One is medical costs. The treatment for a TBI may entail surgery, rehabilitation, and medication. The treatment costs can quickly add up and cause financial strain. A TBI accident settlement usually covers the cost of past and future medical care.

Your settlement may also cover the cost of lost wages. That is applicable when you miss work as you recover from your brain injury. A severe TBI can make it impossible for you to work the same job as before. Hence, you may have to look for a lower-paying job. In such a case, you can claim compensation for the reduced earning capacity.

Some damages you can claim for a TBI are subjective. They include:

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Fight for a Fair Settlement

Dealing with a TBI accident settlement process can feel overwhelming. However, you can protect your right to fair compensation with the right knowledge. Remember, you are not alone. A CT personal injury lawyer can help you through this challenging process. 

Brandon J. Broderick Can Help You Recover Compensation

We understand the trauma that you and your family may be going through. We also know the importance of your case and its outcome. In addition to the passion and client-care we bring to every case, we will interact with insurance companies on your behalf as well as compile and review witness statements, medical reports, and other health care provider information to show the extent of your injuries.

Contact the CT personal injury attorneys of Brandon J. Broderick, Attorney at Law, to discuss your case. One of our trusted team members will listen to your story, learn about your case, and can advise you on the next steps. Many of our clients feel a sense of relief once they make that first phone call.

Posted by: Brandon J. Bro…
Date: Wed, 02/08/2023 - 02:35

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